Wait for ‘3, 2, 1, GO’. On the word ‘GO’ you can start the course. At this time the stopwatch will be started. False starts will result you in starting again.
Race against the clock to appear on the Wild Forest Leader Board
First Sunday of every month starting Sunday 7th January 2024
9am briefing
9.15am Start
Wait for ‘3, 2, 1, GO’. On the word ‘GO’ you can start the course. At this time the stopwatch will be started. False starts will result you in starting again.
You must go from one side of the wall to the other without falling into the water with your hands and feet on the yellow bars.
You must go up and over the wall.
You must go from one side of the wall to the other, starting and finishing on the green mats.
Pick up one dirty handbag in each hand and carry it up and around the pole and replace on the pile.
Use the outside identical lanes only. Make your way from one end of the rig to the other, once you have touched the rope your attempt of this obstacle has started. Your feet must not touch the ground
Make your way from one end of the obstacle to the other without your feet touching the ground.
Army crawl from one side of the net to the other. You must not stand up.
You must alternate going over and under in succession the horizontal beams, you must not climb over the top, no body part can touch the ground whilst attempting this obstacle.
Use the two right hand lands only. You must use your hands only to complete this obstacle. Your feet must be on the bottom step before you begin. You must ascent and descent the frame internally until your feet touch the opposite step to finish. Your feet must not touch the ground. The silver bar at the top can be used for assistance.
You must only place your hands and feet on yellow sections of the wall and balance on the beams in between the walls. You must not touch any black parts of the wall including the side of the walls.
Pick up one bar and hold it above your head and carry it down the hill to the marked sign and back up the hill. Replace bar on the pile.
You must traverse from one side of the pontoons to the other, without your feet touch the pontoons or water. Dismount on the bank.
Starting on the bank, monkey bar all the way from one side to the other. Dismount on the bank on the other side. Hands only.
Start at the beginning and make your way across all the beams, your feet must not touch the ground.
Move from one side of the rig to the other without feet touching the ground.
Move from one side of the rig to the other using your hands only. Your feet must not touch the ground and finish when your feet touch the black wooden pole on the otherside.
Carry the bag across your shoulders to the marked pole and back again. Place the bag back on pile.
Once you touch the first attachment, you must move from one side to the other without your feet touching the ground.
Climb all the way to the top of the rope and touch the top before you start your decend back down.
Once your cross this line the stop watch will stop.
Any questions about the course people fill out the form below.